Pop Goes the Knee

Proverbs 19:9  “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”

Romans 8:28  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

I have thought a lot about how to write this next post, failed to come up with anything profound, but still wanted to share my journey.  Right now I have less of as clue as to what’s next than at any other point in my journey.  All I know for sure is that my steps are quite small for the near future.

In mid January I had my car repacked and was ready to hit the road again. My first planned stop was at my little brothers in the middle of Iowa.  He invited to play a noon hour pick-up basketball game with my little brother.  I think it’s really great that they get away from the office to exercise and have some fun over lunch, so I was honored to be invited.  They are great guys, and it was lots of fun, but my game ended about 10min before everyone else when I stopped short and heard 3 pops in my knee.  The guys helped me off the court, and it proceeded to swell profusely, but I didn’t think much of it.  I rarely get hurt, and I didn’t know how God could use an injury, so I thought it had to be something minor.

After 2 weeks I thought it was healed enough that I could head south again. It was still weak, but seemed to be moving in the right direction. I was anxious for warmer weather, could maneuver within my car/home, and could do some straight forward hikes.  Before leaving I decided to go to my chiropractor to see if he’d recommend some exercises to help it heal faster.  He burst my bubble by highly recommending that I see a surgeon, and implying that I lacked an ACL.  The MRI confirmed this and I had surgery last Monday.

The surgery went well and now I have a new ACL and a repaired meniscus.  Now, I am at my parents house with a gigantic brace on my leg, hobbling around on crutches, feeling better than expected. This is not at all what I imagined for the next adventure, but all I can do is follow the new path.  I don’t know what is coming next but I am still fully trusting that God will use this twist.

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1 Response to Pop Goes the Knee

  1. James Johnson says:

    Oh the blessings we receive, plans are ours, but the truth is God is in charge. Thank the Lord you were with family to be cared for. I am so thankful you are ok. That is even with surgery behind you.
    Really knew something was amiss when no post for so long a time. Just so thankful to hear from you.
    Thank you Lord. Jim


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